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Updated: Feb 16


Lars Gantenberg and Dr. Matthias Rettenmeier
The official launch of the GIPEDO marketplace in January 2022 brought in an incredible dynamic, because the strengths and weaknesses of the system became obvious under real conditions. Through the open exchange with clubs and marketers on the one hand and media agencies and companies on the other, the team gathered lots of constructive feedback that they used to optimise the first version of the product. The different perspectives have been incredibly important and at the same time motivating, because they highlighted - there is still a lot to do to implement the GIPEDO vision! As a result, the team was in constant action.
...and where we are today, at the beginning of 2023.
Within 12 months, GIPEDO has 2 sports with 29 teams in 4 leagues on the platform. All clubs have renewed after the first season and continue to be on the marketplace. It proves hard work pays off!
Another milestone for the founders, Lars & Matthias: The team has grown significantly in recent months. From four team members at the beginning of the 2022 to eight at the end of the year.
And the team has ambitious plans for year 2. With further products, the team wants to consistently continue on their path and digitise the sports business bit by bit, opening it up to more media bookings in more markets and sports.
The top priority remains the same: Learn with every product release and make it even better next time.


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